Giving this topic the big ole 2 year bump as we start to get more people coming in here!
For anyone just joining us, we’d love to hear what brought you to the forums, what you’re interested in about Cantata, and what other games you’ve been playing/books you’ve been reading/music you’ve been listening to!
I know that I made the topic but I’ll go again 
I’m Kyle! I’m the project lead for Cantata and work to make sure everyone else on the team is setup and supported to help make the game become a reality! I also did all the initial programming on the game, but recently I’ve put that more in the hands of our first studio hire Rogue, who I suspect will show up here soon enough.
For stuff I’ve been playing/watching/enjoying:
I recently played and loved the demo of Lorn’s Lure:

It’s this very weird/strange game where you’re using climbing pickaxes to move inside the vast unknowable structure. The whole vibe of it is amazing and haunting, and it controls like a dream. If you really liked old school Source Engine jumping puzzle things, this is for you.
For films, I recently watched and enjoyed Mank:
It’s the latest from one of my favorite directors, David Fincher, and stars Gary Oldman as Herman Mankiewicz, the somewhat scorned screenwriter of Citizen Kane. It’s really interesting as a movie sort of “out of time”, in that it’s full of cinematic traditions and styles that modern movies left behind. It would be easy to accuse Fincher of nostalgia, but a lot of his work has always been hyper-modern (like, you know, Fight Club), so bringing that spirit to something old feels really fresh.